
Showing posts from December, 2008

Land Summary Beta

Earlier this year, I read this post on local foodsheds, and got to thinking that there must be a good way to automate and generalize this type of analysis.  So I put the idea into the big bucket of ideas that I don't have time to implement, until it came up in a conversation with Brent Pedersen .   He mentioned a great  way to optimize the raster summarization that I hadn't thought of, so we got excited, and put it into the bucket of ideas that we'd like to implement (but probably wouldn't).  Until finally, a few weeks ago, we decided to get together for a Sunday hackfest. A few hours later, with a good percentage of my time wasted learning the strange ways of git , we had a functional demo that summarized NLCD data by class for any given buffer or polygon, in a simple Django framework. To get things vaguely useable, we added a pie chart to show the classified summary, and integrated some census data to get the population.  Our initial demo is now at landsummary